
This Privacy Policy applies to all aspects of our Site as well as to information we may collect offline.This Site may link to or incorporate websites or content hosted and served by others over which we have no control, such as third party websites, online properties, platforms, social media, or systems, which are each governed by the privacy policy and business practices of the third party. You understand and agree that MXMeox is not responsible for the security, privacy, or business practices of any third party.

When you visit our Site or otherwise interact with us or our content, we and third-party advertising and analytics companies and other third party business partners may use a variety of tracking and other technologies that automatically or passively collect certain information .We and third parties may use these technologies for a number of reasons, including to save your preferences for future visits, to our Site, keep you logged in between visits, to serve targeted advertising to you, and to provide you with improved services.